Meet Chris Rogers, Los Angeles County Chief of Forensic Medicine who has been part of our fitness family since May 2004. He consistently trains with us privately three times per week for thirty minutes per session. He is highly focused during his training sessions and that has been a major contributing factor in his success. He is able to complete 30-35 sets of exercises in his half hour sessions.-This is a remarkable volume of activity per workout.
Some of his amazing feats of strength include dumbbell squats with up to 50lbs in each hand, lat rows with two strands of purple tubing (up to 90lbs of resistance!) and a dumbbell chest press on the stability ball with 40-50lb dumbbells in each hand for up to 45 seconds per set! Additionally, he can balance on a single foot while performing an inner thigh exercise with up to 48lbs for 45 seconds.
When asked why he continues to choose The Dynamic Advantage for his fitness needs, Chris said, “If I didn’t have an appointment, I wouldn’t do it.” He has also made significant progress with losing weight by combining nutritious, home-delivered food with his exercise plan.
We are thankful to have Chris in our fitness family and proudly celebrate his nine years of continuity and success!