Structured Physical Activity Helps Seniors Stay Mobile and Independent

We are all either already considered to be a senior or are hopeful we make it to that classification in the future.  In either case, a groundbreaking research project conducted at the Univ. of Florida involving 1600 women and men between the ages of 70-89 concluded that an exercise program consisting of walking plus strength and balance exercises over a 2-1/2 year period reduced the likelihood of becoming disabled by 28% compared to those who just took part in education workshops on healthy aging. In this study, disabled was defined as the inability to walk about 400 yards without help. 


At The Dynamic Advantage, many of you have already discovered that getting active in an organized, controlled setting empowers you to add life to your years by remaining healthy, active and independent vs. frail and dependent on others. We have many examples of this being true from our strong group of 70+ year olds.


If you want to read more about this topic, do a Google search for “structured physical activity life study” and read more about this.  It really emphasizes the fact that the road to fitness has no finish line!  We must stay active for life and it’s our passion to help you remain that way.